Sunday, March 15, 2009

Potty training???

Maybe I am wrong but I think Sam is potty training himself??? I introduced the potty to him a few months ago in an effort to try late introduction of elimination communication (EC.) He liked it but we couldn't really get the signal thing going. Just too much other stuff going on. The potty ended up being put away for a while. I recently brought it back out one morning because it seemed like a good time to catch a poop. Since then, he's definetely interested in the potty. I, however, still have too much going on to really try to establish the whole communication thing. I figured, if I knew it was his normal time of day to poop, and all the other stars were aligned, I'd bring out the potty. If not, he can go in his diaper. No big deal. Sam started to say "poop" but not always when there was a poop or when he had to go. Once in a while, he would say "poop" and "potty" and I'd try then to get the potty out. Only once though did we catch something and it was pee.

Today, he said "poop" and "potty." He also pointed to his diaper and said, "off." So, I get out the potty. I read to him when he sits on it. A book always helps me go so I figure, maybe it will help him too? Anyway, he's definetely working on something but when he gets up, just pee. I very excitedly praised him for his efforts said "yay - pee!" or something like that. He sat back down so it looked like he had more to do. He kept getting up and down and checking. I would ask, "are you done?" and he'd say, "more" and sit back down. Finally, he said he was done. No poo. I put a diaper on him and cleaned him up. I pretty much figured he'd poop in the diaper shortly but wasn't going to force him to sit on the potty. A little while later we are downstairs. Sam is playing and I am watching TV. He goes, "poop" and then goes "potty?" and says, "off." By this time, I'm pretty tired. I've been dealing with a cold all weekend long and really just want to relax. So, when he doesn't insist on anything, I figure, he'll poop in the diaper and I will change him. Easier than going back upstairs, getting out the potty blah blah blah.

Well, next thing I know...he's got his clothes all undone, his diaper off and there is poop everywhere!!! Luckily by then my husband had come downstairs. He took Sam upstairs for a batch and I cleaned up the carpet and shoes and sippy cup and toy that all had poop on them.

Important lesson learned - when given the gift of a child who wants to potty train early, listen to what he says!!! Way easier than cleaning up after :)

By the way, I realize this is a very long post basically just about my son's bowel movements. I don't honestly think there are a ton of people interested in this. I have to admit, my blog is more for me than for others. It is a fun way for me to remember things that I otherwise may forget. So, I'm sorry if I am boring you!!! And I know blogs are more interesting with pictures but I just seem to be blogging lately about stuff I don't have pictures for. I did have one of a pile of poop in the potty but, I don't think anyone really needs to see they?


JustAnotherJenny said...

You always crack me up. I actually think a photo of the first steaming pile of poo would be pretty funny.

After all, Jon and Kate plus 8 had an entire episode of potty training complete with first poop in the potty pictures. It was funny.

The best kinds of posts are the kind that are for one's self... they're more honest. No need to feel self conscious or like you have to apologize for not being entertaining enough.

Shalonne said...

Thanks! I'm glad you like it :)