Sunday, September 21, 2008


This is my kitty, Patches. She is 14 years old and is not doing very well. I am going to have to have her put to sleep this week. I am quite sad about this and will miss my little kitty very much. I have had her since she was a kitten. My Mom found her abandoned near a place my Mom worked. She brought her home for me. Patches has never been the cuddliest or friendliest of cats but she's always been fun. She's had several different personalities in the time that I've had her. Now, she is no longer eating or drinking. While she doesn't really show it, I know she must not be feeling well at all. The vet could not find anything without doing tests I can not afford. I am at that horrible place where I have to decide that at her age, it just does not make sence for our family to go further into debt to diagnose and treat whatever she may have. So, I will bring her to the vet and ask them to put her to sleep. Feeling like a failure for not being able to pay to do more and feeling so sad to be loosing my pet of 14 years. I will miss her...

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