Thursday, September 18, 2008


So, I've decided to enter the world of blogging. Not sure what to say honestly. Probably be just a bunch of verbal vomit. Some reflections, complaints, observations, reviews etc. etc.... I'm sensitive so if you don't like it - just stop reading, you don't need to let me know...

I'm a 33 year old first time Mom to a wonderful little boy named Sam. Sam is 13 months old. I have now gone 13 months without a full nights sleep. I wonder if Sam might have something to do with that??? Ha! Of course he does. He is getting better though so maybe someday soon, I can get a full 8 in.
Here is Sam:

And a rare picture of him sleeping:

I work for a technology company doing customer support via email. I am able to do this job from home which allows me to spend more time with Sam. I like that!
I have a wonderful husband and he is an automotive technician. He has to go off to work everyday. Sam and I miss him very much while he is away. He won't let me post a picture of him on here but he's very cute!
When I'm not being a Mom or catching up on sleep or working, I like to read and grow house plants. I read mainly fiction but am getting into some non-fiction as well. I'll put an occasional book review here if I think it is something worth reading or staying away from.
One of my goals is to loose some extra weight that I shouldn't be carrying around. I'm trying to eat healthier foods, control my portions, and get more exercise. This blog will be a way for me to track my progress and since it can be read by anyone, I'll want to do a good job! I'm starting out at 170lbs. I'd like to be at 160 lbs. by the end of the year. Lets see how it goes...
Well, that's enough for now I think. Future posts will probably be restricted to one topic as I think that makes it easier to read. I just wanted to introduce myself to any prospective readers. Hi!

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