Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Moby Wrap for Sale

I have this wrap up for sale on TheBabyWearer.com and am posting the pics here since it is easier than posting them on the actual tbw website.


Yesterday I had to say goodbye to my kitty. She had gotten much worse overnight so I brought her to the vet first thing in the morning and asked them to put her to sleep. I will miss her very much.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


This is my kitty, Patches. She is 14 years old and is not doing very well. I am going to have to have her put to sleep this week. I am quite sad about this and will miss my little kitty very much. I have had her since she was a kitten. My Mom found her abandoned near a place my Mom worked. She brought her home for me. Patches has never been the cuddliest or friendliest of cats but she's always been fun. She's had several different personalities in the time that I've had her. Now, she is no longer eating or drinking. While she doesn't really show it, I know she must not be feeling well at all. The vet could not find anything without doing tests I can not afford. I am at that horrible place where I have to decide that at her age, it just does not make sence for our family to go further into debt to diagnose and treat whatever she may have. So, I will bring her to the vet and ask them to put her to sleep. Feeling like a failure for not being able to pay to do more and feeling so sad to be loosing my pet of 14 years. I will miss her...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Book Review - The Last Lecture

I just read The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. For those that are not familiar, Randy was a professor at Carnegie Mellon. He was invited to give a what is called a Last Lecture which is a lecture about what a speaker would want to pass on if he were told he was dying. Randy actually was dying of cancer. So, he was better able to really know what he would be thinking and what he would want to pass on. The lecture was really a tool he could use to tell his children things he wanted them to know.

I really enjoyed this book. Randy collaborated with another writer so that he would have more time to spend with his family as he was dying. Together, they managed to write a book that was very quick and easy to read but really thought provoking as well. Randy had some definate ideas on life and wasn't shy about sharing them. He tried to have as much fun as possible as often as possible which is a great way to live I think. It sometimes seems like having fun is often left out of being an adult. A lot of people do not put as much effort as they could into having fun. Why? I guess life just gets in the way sometimes.

Anyway, I really recommend this book. It is a quick read and will give the reader some good messages. I was really sad at the end though for Randy's children knowing they would have to grow up without him. If every parent could put as much effort and thought into raising their children as Randy had planned to do if he had been able to live, I think our children would be much better off.

The lecture itself is also available to view on YouTube. I haven't gotten the chance to view it yet but have heard it is really good.

This is my first book review so please forgive me if it is no good. If you have any constructive ideas to make future reviews better, please let me know. I'd like to improve :)


So, I've decided to enter the world of blogging. Not sure what to say honestly. Probably be just a bunch of verbal vomit. Some reflections, complaints, observations, reviews etc. etc.... I'm sensitive so if you don't like it - just stop reading, you don't need to let me know...

I'm a 33 year old first time Mom to a wonderful little boy named Sam. Sam is 13 months old. I have now gone 13 months without a full nights sleep. I wonder if Sam might have something to do with that??? Ha! Of course he does. He is getting better though so maybe someday soon, I can get a full 8 in.
Here is Sam:

And a rare picture of him sleeping:

I work for a technology company doing customer support via email. I am able to do this job from home which allows me to spend more time with Sam. I like that!
I have a wonderful husband and he is an automotive technician. He has to go off to work everyday. Sam and I miss him very much while he is away. He won't let me post a picture of him on here but he's very cute!
When I'm not being a Mom or catching up on sleep or working, I like to read and grow house plants. I read mainly fiction but am getting into some non-fiction as well. I'll put an occasional book review here if I think it is something worth reading or staying away from.
One of my goals is to loose some extra weight that I shouldn't be carrying around. I'm trying to eat healthier foods, control my portions, and get more exercise. This blog will be a way for me to track my progress and since it can be read by anyone, I'll want to do a good job! I'm starting out at 170lbs. I'd like to be at 160 lbs. by the end of the year. Lets see how it goes...
Well, that's enough for now I think. Future posts will probably be restricted to one topic as I think that makes it easier to read. I just wanted to introduce myself to any prospective readers. Hi!


First time blogging - this is a test to see if I know how to use this thing...