He gives kisses - real pursed lip, lip smacking kisses. He gives them completely umprompted and just to be affectionit.
He knows the word Love - he says it and does the sign for it at the same time. This is usually accompanied by a hug and or a kiss.
This morning, we were playing with one of his dolls that has a tummy you can press on and it says a little prayer. The doll is one of those little soft Precious Moments characters in PJ's and he's kneeling with his hands folded, very cute. Anyway, Sam can't yet quite figure out exactly how to press the belly to get the doll to say the prayer - but he loves listening to it. This morning, he grabbed my hand and put it on the doll and said, "Do it!" How nice that is one of his first sentences ;-)
He played in the snow for the first time today. I know we've had a lot of snow but today was the first day when it seemed warm enough, the sun was out, I had enough energy and we didn't have someplace else to be. I got some great pics which I will post when I get around to taking them off of my camera. He pretty much just crawled around in the snow, would try to walk, fall down and would crawl around some more. He had a big smile on his face and seemed to be enjoying himself.
If he finds a piece of trash on the floor, he makes Mommy or Daddy open up the trash can so he can throw it away. I have no idea where he got that from.
He dripped some water in his little car today and made Daddy get him a paper towel so he could clean it up. But, he then threw the paper towel on the floor. So, I guess his definition of trash just needs a little work.
He can pick out pictures of Daddy, Grandpa and cousin Wyatt on our fridge. Grandma's and Mommy do not like having pictures taken so they are not on the fridge ;-)
He does not nurse to sleep anymore. Instead, either Mommy or Daddy needs to lie with Sam until he falls asleep. We lie with him in his crib (have a bed tied up next to it with the front removed) and he snuggles up as close as possible to us and then will fall asleep - eventually - after maybe rolling around first several times and then getting back into position. This is also usually interspersed with several hugs, kisses, and instances of trying to jump off of the bed.
Sam got his first hair cut. He didn't enjoy it at all. But, we have a nice certificate with a lock of his hair and he's not looking quite so shaggy. He was back to his happy self as soon as the hair dresser was done and sat with Daddy while Mommy had 10 inches of hair cut off!
My Mom came over to visit the other night and when Sam saw her coming up the stairs, he said, "Hi there!" First time he has said that particular phrase - it was quite cute!
Well, that's all I can think of for now. I know that I have got to come up with other things to post about and they are there rattling around in my head but I want to get these memories down while I can before I loose them.
1 comment:
I love all the anecdotes about Sam:)
Thanks for the comment on my "no rules" post. I think my thought was that often I tell moms not to worry about it- whatever it is they are telling their kid not to do in my house - when really I should be letting the mom parent, make sense?
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