Saturday, May 8, 2010


The other day we went for a walk with friends to a really pretty spot. Locals refer to it as the Daffodil Fields but the proper name is Parsons Reserve. Every spring, hundreds of daffodils bloom creating a blanket of yellow flowers. Unfortunately, the blooms had already faded by the time we got there. We did get to see some pretty little wild flowers though which always bring back such nice memories for me of walks in the woods behind my house when I was younger.

Here is a link to the reserve's website in case anyone wants to plan a visit next year.

This is what it looked like by the time we got there:

Parking is across the street and there is a small playground, outhouse and river.

While we were at the playground there was a momma goose, daddy goose and baby geese - so cute!

On a related note, a robin has built a nest on the covered portion of our deck. I sure hope the robins don't mind all our comings and goings so they can keep the eggs warm! I got a picture of the eggs and hope to get a pic of the chicks after they hatch.

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