Monday, November 30, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Better late than never!

Ok - I know I have not written in so long it is almost silly of me to start up again. But, it's my blog so I will if I want to :)

A few quick updates...

I have a daughter now - her name is Anika Rose. She is absolutly beautiful and sweet and perfect in every way. Wanna see? (sorry to all those on facebook - these pics will all be repeats...)

I think Facebook is why I hardly blog anymore...but, I like blogging better - facebook is just quicker. Mental note - spend more time blogging and less time on facebook.

Sam is now a sasssy 2 year old. However, he is also still perfect and wonderful :)

And the dynamic duo...

I am still trying to regain my former thinner figure...and trying to learn to like the one I have now. So far, no success on either front...
Still working at home and praying to not be laid off.
Just finished The Friday Night Knitting Club and now plan to knit Sam a scarf using the pattern from the book.
I know I am not up on much that is current but, exactly what did Obama do to get the Nobel Peace prize?
And why is it that the guy who's commercial I hear on the radio who's running for something (don't remember what) is for gay marriage but also for gun control? Can't we have a politician who wants to hunt in rainbow colored camo's???? Dammit - I wanna see my gay friends get married and wanna go shoot with with them too! (not that they all shoot but, one does! :)
Ok - that's it for now. Hopefully I will go back to being a more regular blogger...which reminds me, what exactly does it mean to be irregular? Anyone know? I see those Activia commercials with Jamie Lee Curtis and I have no freakin clue what she's talking about...too lazy to google it though...